Confidence Program In Red Deer
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Do you suffer from lack of confidence or anxiety? Does being in a group of people scare you? Are you paralyzed at the thought of speaking in front of others? Perhaps you have a child struggling in school who needs increased confidence, social skills and better self-esteem. If you know a friend who needs to escape a phobia that is holding them back, like fear of flying, fear of driving, or stage fright…Hypnosis can help you discover your inner strength, power, self- confidence, and eliminate fears and phobias. At Hypnosis for Health and Happiness we can design a Confidence Program that is right for you and your individual needs. Take your power back. Call now to see if you can be accepted as a hypnotic client in one of our programs.
**Results may vary
I was terrified to get up on stage and would experience embarrassing physical signs as a result of that, such as a red face, shaky hands and voice, and would even feel sick to my stomach. It destroyed any enjoyment that I could have received from playing live music.
With hypnosis I am a much more confident person. Now I am not afraid to do things that may make me feel uncomfortable, in terms of being judged by others. I am not afraid of what others might think of me and that has given me freedom to be more authentic. Hypnosis has helped me get into the habit of taking time for myself every day in some form or another.
I am so happy that I took the first steps in eliminating my main issue by calling and doing something about it. I would highly recommend Hypnosis for Health and Happiness.

“I had trouble sleeping because of stress as well as jaw pain from TMJ issues related to a car accident. It was as though I was taking my stress out on my jaw at night which made my jaw hurt, my sleep was poor and lead to more stress.
With hypnosis my sleep is better. My jaw has not been my main focus of my mind so I don’t notice it being as tight in the mornings and my headaches have been few and far between instead of daily.
One of my main stressors was having trouble finding a job. I got to the point where I wasn’t applying to as many as I could have because I felt the rejection stressing me out more and more as I got them. The hypnosis helped me get past my own self doubt and negatively, and that lead me to go apply for jobs with an open mind and positive attitude. And I just didn’t get a job, I GOT THE JOB!!! It checks off all my boxes and more! Trisha is wonderful to work with. She is a ball of energy, super flexible with schedule and very personable. I would recommend 🙂

Hypnosis has improved my life by me taking action towards goals and desires in my life. My chronic pain is practically gone (98%). I have a much healthier internal dialogue and more confidence!
The benefit from using hypnosis is relieving daily stress, to focus on more important things in life and Better connection with others in my life. I am so grateful for this process. It has been a lot of change to implement, but I wouldn’t change it for the world!
With hypnosis I have managed to unify my thoughts and feelings in a profound way getting me further in my life goals than ever before. I have gained a deep level of self awareness, self respect and self love.
I would highly recommend hypnosis to anyone who is in need of making changes to their life.

Now I feel more calm, able to focus at work and more confident that I do a good job. I am on the right track for continuing to improve my outlook on life with work and my family. I am able to be happier because I have improved myself.
Additional benefits of the hypnosis were that I began eating better, which made me focus better. Also, my personal relationships are benefiting.
I have the direction and motivation to go forward and the tools to keep me moving that way, no matter the speed, I know I can get there.
Hypnosis has improved my life by bringing me a new perspective and understanding of myself and what I can achieve.
I have also made steps to improve myself and find new outlets for my emotional energy.
When I came to Hypnosis for Health and Happiness for help I really didn’t have a clear idea of what was wrong. I just knew that I didn’t feel good about myself. Hypnosis soon got to the root of my problems and helped me to discover ways to heal myself and move forward.
With hypnosis the flights went absolutely great! The flight home was even better than the flight there: I am so happy!
With hypnosis I feel confident and calm while driving. I know I can be successful and I am capable of driving. My life has highly benefited from hypnosis.
I confidently passed my drivers exam!!!
With hypnosis I am more calm handling life even, children stresses, everyday stresses. I am calmer now and I have a much better mood. With hypnosis the first hour I was a little panicky and felt discouraged but then I just calmed right down and was fully ok by the end of a 6ish hour flight. Thank you for helping me feel better about myself and my fears!

Are you suffering from?
- Depressing Weight
- Poor health from smoking
- Poor sleep
- Chronic pain
If the answer is yes!
To See If You Can Be
Accepted As A Hypnosis Client!