Weight Loss Obesity Clinic Red Deer
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Weight gain accumulated in the last 18 months is at an epidemic level across Canada. People uncomfortably joke about the weight that they have gained as they sit at home watching Netflix and doing Zoom meetings. Food and snacking has becoming the quick fix of choice as people find themselves stuck at home during this pandemic. As people turn to food when they don’t know what to do during unprecedented times. They find themselves emotionally and physically limited to creative options that allow them to find emotional relief. Rather than just being overweight, some people are discovering that their weight now is bordering on obesity.
Weight loss solutions rather than diet plans that cause the yo-yo effect, are what people need now. Clients who have been labelled obese discover new solutions with hypnosis that help them address the mood that causes them to over eat rather than exclusion diets and bariatric surgery. Are you ready to show yourself better solutions to solve your emotional needs rather than a quick snack? Would you like to make over indulging a thing of the past? Are you ready to become curious about your new healthy solutions? The answer is hypnosis. Chase your outcomes and goals. Become an architect of your fit healthy future.
Obesity Clinic Red Deer
Finally Weight Loss Success That Works With You!
*Individual results vary
This program is different. As a Consumer Choice Award winner in Weight Control, Hypnosis for Health and Happiness provides a new approach. With hypnosis you can embrace a sustainable life long change. This highly successful hypnosis weight loss and management program has worked on many people JUST LIKE YOU! You can take control of what you eat and when you eat it and this allows you effective results now. Hypnosis allows you to begin to increase your desire for healthy foods at the right times. Rather than telling you what you can’t eat. This actually reprograms how you look at junk foods, processed carbohydrates and fatty foods as boring and dull. Effectively turning down the attraction to the harmful foods that make people fat.

This hypnotic program will encourage you to increase your physical fitness in a way that is gentle and appropriate for your abilities. You can discover increased motivation to move your body every day because you start to associate pleasure with moving your body and this becomes the part of your thin lifestyle. This ‘think thin’ mindset is reinforced with motivational classes and audio programs to support you at home. These FREE extras allows you to manage your emotions more effectively and you begin to gain confidence and inner strength and subsequently reinforce your new changes so that they become permanent good habits for a new thinner you.
This program is easy to continue long term because you will learn easy self-hypnosis techniques to keep you on track as well as home support from audio programs that are included. No more continuing to buy additional supplements, pre packaged food or videos. These weight loss hypnosis programs are backed by a written service promise.
Weight Programs Include
- MP3’s for home use
- Hypno Power Slim Program
- Weight Loss Quick Tips MP3’s
- Private Hypnosis Sessions
- Group Classes
- Service Promise
- Long Term Support
Discover hypnosis in Red Deer and Online from the comfort of your home or office. Clients from all over Alberta are becoming curious about the benefits of Hypnosis.
403-33-HYPNO (403-334-9766)

Benefits Amy has noticed after only 3 weeks in the program…
1) I am much more relaxed throughout the day, therefore having more patience with my daughter
2) I am sleeping deeper and waking up refreshed
3) My eating habits have changed, I don’t go looking for a snack a few hours after dinner time when I am feeling bored or tired or lonely.
~Amy Pianalto, Calgary
Hypnosis allows each client to become curious about their abilities to use self hypnosis anytime and anywhere. Successful clients use hypnosis to instantly wash away their cravings with water or become attracted to physical activity to change their mood. Their hypnotic skills develop so that they can turn down their cravings and increase their desire for the right kinds of food.
They succeeded and so can you. Call now for your Free Screening to see if hypnosis is an option for you. You receive a Free 30-40 minute consultation it’s fun and easy! You can discover that hypnosis is a way of giving you more control! Hypnosis is a natural state that you have experienced before, when you watch tv, screens, lose track of how far you have driven. It’s achieving singular thought and you have done it before. During the Free consultation you will have the opportunity to discover if hypnosis will work for you. If it is right for you, you will be told so. Written service contract offered for some programs. Programs and personalized plans and sessions to suit your needs. Call now for your Free Screening to see if hypnosis is the solution for you! 403-33-HYPNO 403-334-9766 Professional Facilities in Red Deer. Providing effective Online services across Alberta and Canada. Call now Free Screening 403-33-HYPNO 403-334-9766
Do you Struggle to find places to Shop for Clothes? Are you Frustrated with Yo-yo diets? That used to be me…
I had seen the ad in the newspaper, I was skeptical since I had failed at diets before. After 6 months I finally called. The hypnotist asked, “What do you want?” I said, “I wanted to be skinny!” and all along that is what I have been telling myself. I felt motivation and confidence after walking out of the very first session.
In the first 10 months I dropped 70 lbs. Now, I have eliminated 126 pounds! It feels great! My knees don’t hurt and I have more energy. I have improved self-esteem, confidence and I feel more comfortable going out. I’m excited to start deep water aerobics again, now that I feel comfortable in a bathing suit! This hypnosis program helped me stay on track, eliminate boredom eating and it was reassuring to know that this program offered long term ongoing support.
It is so nice to be able to shop in the same stores as my daughter now! I am proud to put on nice clothes. My style has changed, I wear clothes that actually fit tighter and I actually look in the mirror at myself before going out! When I pick up my pants, I wonder, “Are these really mine?” They are so much smaller and it is still shocking!
~Pat, Edmonton

Hypnosis for Health and Happiness is a trusted weight management clinic that is the proud recipient of the Consumer Choice Award Winner in Central Alberta in Weight Control for 2021. Helping clients eliminate and reduce embarrassing weight for over 10 years.
Call now to see if hypnosis is right for you
Are you suffering from?
- Depressing Weight
- Poor health from smoking
- Poor sleep
- Chronic pain
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