My dream….for my girls, and all women, is to experience childbirth peacefully, powerfully and gently in complete comfort; in a dimly lit room with sacred hands supporting them. Relaxing music playing and their birth partner saying how beautiful they are and how wonderful they are doing. Perhaps they are floating in an enormous tub or a bed large enough for three. They are in peace and harmony with their birthing bodies, they trust their instincts and they know that they will have a euphoric birth that is easy and natural. They birth quickly because they are so relaxed and calm. Their babies are quietly birthed and they are placed on Mom`s chest and everyone remains still to admire the beauty of birth while Mom, Dad, and Baby connect.
It is because of this dream that I became a Hypnobabies instructor. I believe that all births can be in complete comfort. I know everyone’s dream is different. But the beauty of Hypnobabies is- that this course gives families the tools to make their birthing dreams a reality!
Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis is a complete, natural childbirth education program that also teaches self-hypnosis techniques to expectant mothers, and thoroughly prepares their birth partners to assist them during childbirth. During this six-week course, you will learn effective techniques to naturally reduce pregnancy discomforts, and to give birth as comfortably as possible, while remaining awake and mobile, and in control using our unique eyes-open childbirth hypnosis. Other topics covered are: Nutrition, Exercise, Birth balls, back labor, stages of labor, fetal positioning and so much more. The classes and your home play practice will teach you wonderful tools to enhance your life and encourage bonding between you, your partner, and your baby during pregnancy and beyond. Hypnobabies® provides you with 8 hypnosis CDs, an extensive Hypnobabies® workbook and Birth Partner’s Guide and hypnosis scripts, along with access to additional support from an international network of students and instructors.