Fertility and Childbirth Hypnosis Red Deer
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Having troubles getting pregnant?
Come enjoy the benefits of experiencing greater fertility with Trisha Fuller, a practitioner who has trained with James Schwartz author of The Mind-Body Fertility Connection.
*Individual results vary
Personalized Hypnosis Sessions to Calm the Mind to Increase Fertility
Fertility issues are stressful. Stress hormones are directly associated with decreased fertility. It’s a vicious cycle. A happy side-effect of hypnosis is that you can not produce stress hormones in hypnosis.
Hypnosis helps you focus your mind on what you want to achieve. Emotional blocks, old memories and anchored responses can prevent conception due to tension held in the body.
Using hypnosis can help you alleviate conditioned responses, that once let go of, may influence your fertility. Hypnosis is not a magic wand; it cannot make you pregnant. However, we are one body + mind.
What we focus on tends to be realized. When women have suffered months of negative tests or have experienced miscarriage, they begin to focus on what they ‘don’t want’ rather than what they ‘do want’. Hypnosis can help shift thoughts and connections in body to facilitate fertility.
We offer a Free Screening to see if hypnosis is right for you. Call for your Free Screening and discover the benefits of hypnosis. 403-33-HYPNO 403-334-9766

About Our Fertility Recordings
Automated program can be used by itself or in conjunction with live sessions.
- 4 self-hypnosis fertility enhancement audios
- 4 affirmations tracks
- 2 Bonus tracks for the “Dad to be”!
*Individual results vary

Fertility Balance and Harmony Hypnosis Session
Do not listen to these hypnosis sessions while driving or doing anything that requires your full concentration.
This session is designed to be listened to at any time during your cycle to create positivity, harmony and balance within your mind and body and therefore your life. Some people enjoy listening to this recording once or twice a week alternating with the other recordings that are more specific to that time during their cycle. Others prefer to listen to it on day 3 or 4 in preparation for the next stage of their cycle which encourages the mind, body and emotions to move forward from their periods into preparation for ovulation and conception and therefore heightening their positivity and energy within. And others still enjoy this session on day 20 or 21 for a week after amazing conception. The choice is yours.
Affirmations for Fertility Balance and Harmony Audio – to be listened to whenever you want or the same day you listen to the Hypnosis session for Fertility Balance and Harmony. This can be listened to out loud while doing household chores, while driving, walking or any other activity. Repeat each suggestion out loud or in your head. After a while the recording changes and you can no longer hear the suggestions, they just sound like whispering in the background. This is normal. Just continue listening while the music is playing and enjoy. For maximum benefit write the suggestions out once a day and say them to yourself in the mirror. You can find the affirmations on the following pages.

Love Your Period Hypnosis Session
This session is designed to be listened to during menstruation regardless of the length of your period. If there is blood flow, continue daily with this session. If you are ready to move passed this time on day 4 proceed to Harmony and Balance. Hypnosis is an amazing tool and you have chosen to use it to create positive changes in your menstrual cycle and in your life.
Affirmations for Love Your Period Audio – To be listened to on the same days as you listen to your Love Your Period Hypnosis Session. This can be listened to out loud while doing household chores, while driving, walking or any other activity. Repeat each suggestion out loud or in your head. After a while the recording changes and you can no longer hear the suggestions, they just sound like whispering in the background. This is normal. Just continue listening while the music is playing and enjoy. For maximum benefit write the suggestions out once a day and say them to yourself in the mirror. You can find the affirmations on the following pages.

Easy Ovulation Hypnosis Session
Affirmations for Easy Ovulation Audio- To be listened to on the same days as you listen to your Easy Ovulation Hypnosis Session. This can be listened to out loud while doing household chores, while driving, walking or any other activity. Repeat each suggestion out loud or in your head. After a while the recording changes and you can no longer hear the suggestions, they just sound like whispering in the background. This is normal. Just continue listening while the music is playing and enjoy. For maximum benefit write the suggestions out once a day and say them to yourself in the mirror. You can find the affirmations on the following pages.

Amazing Conception Hypnosis Session
This session is designed to be listened to when you begin to ovulate through 7 days after ovulation. Hypnosis is an amazing tool and you have chosen to use it to create easy unity between egg and sperm and successful implantation of new life in your welcoming uterus. Positivity, calmness and continued use easily guide you on your journey to motherhood.
Affirmations for Amazing Conception Audio – To be listened to on the same days as you listen to your Amazing Conception Hypnosis Session. This can be listened to out loud while doing household chores, while driving, walking or any other activity. Repeat each suggestion out loud or in your head. After a while the recording changes and you can no longer hear the suggestions, they just sound like whispering in the background. This is normal. Just continue listening while the music is playing and enjoy. For maximum benefit write the suggestions out once a day and say them to yourself in the mirror. You can find the affirmations on the following pages.

Amazing Healthy Sperm
This session is designed to enhance production, function, health and vitality of sperm and can be enjoyed frequently to maximize effectiveness. Hypnosis is a highly effective tool and you have chosen to use it to harness the amazing power of your mind and therefore maximize your sperm production.
Affirmations for Amazing Healthy Sperm Audio – This can be listened to out loud while doing household chores, while driving, walking or any other activity. Repeat each suggestion out loud or in your head. After a while the recording changes and you can no longer hear the suggestions, they just sound like whispering in the background. This is normal. Just continue listening while the music is playing and enjoy. For maximum benefit write the suggestions out once a day and say them to yourself in the mirror. You can find the affirmations on the following pages.

This set works well for ANYONE trying to become pregnant.
Track 1 – Love Your Period
Track 2 – Easy Ovulation
Track 3 – Amazing Conception
Track 4 – Balance and Harmony
Success Story!
“As someone who has grown up being told that I can do whatever I want as long as I work hard, encountering a situation where that advice doesn’t necessarily apply can be a difficult thing. I felt that I had worked so hard my whole life to do everything according to “plan” such as get a good education, have a good career, be independent, get married, that when I reached the “start a family” part of my plan I was almost indignant that it wasn’t in my control.
Of course when I was first told I have PCOS and it would be more difficult for me to conceive I threw myself at the problem in an almost scientific way – take this medicine, do this exercise, eat this food, test this, measure that….etc etc etc. I did eventually become pregnant but suffered a miscarriage shortly after.
Although I was outwardly positive and would tell my husband about all my plans to make this work for us, inside I was devastated. I felt like I was letting him down and that nothing I could do was good enough and that was taking a toll on me.
When I first heard about doing hypnosis to help with fertility, I was in the process where I would try anything to have a baby and this was a lot less invasive than some of the alternatives so I thought, “why not!”.
As I worked through the Mind-Body Fertility Connection Program, I learned so much about myself and the power of my mind. As I learned to visualize each stage in my cycle I felt more in tune with my body than I ever had before. I was surprised at how easily I was able to relax and how positive and well rested I would feel after each session. The more I continued the exercises the easier it became and the more it became a part of my everyday routine. I became calmer and more confident. And wouldn’t you know it, I became pregnant!
Of course my main goal throughout this process was to become pregnant but what I didn’t realize was how much I would benefit in my everyday life as well. Through the techniques in the Mind-Body Fertility Connection Program I am able to apply a lot of what I have learned to other life situations. It is a process but, I am learning that it is okay not to be perfect all the time or to have every answer to every question or to control everything that comes my way. I am learning to be relaxed, confident and to take things in stride. I have become more positive in general and I believe that is really helping my anxiety during my pregnancy. I plan on continuing to use these techniques to help me as I go through life and encounter all types of situations, good or bad.” ~Rehana G, Edmonton, AB
The Mind-Body Fertility Connections Program
by James Schwartz
I am excited to announce that I have gone to Denver, Colorado to learn this amazing program from the master himself, James Schwartz!
I am thrilled to be the first hypnotist in Alberta offering this program to my clients!
James’ program is so successful that clients come from out of state to partake in his exceptional hypnosis sessions. Come to Castor, Alberta and get away from the everyday and work on enhancing your fertility for 2-3 days!
To add to this wonderful program I have created a four track fertility set called Recordings To Enhance Your Fertility Journey. These recordings are a complementary product to The Mind-Body Fertility Connection Program and are endorsed by James Schwartz.
This program is easily added and incorporated into any other modality a person chooses to enhance their fertility such as acupuncture sessions, IVF, IUI, naturopathy, reiki, massage, chiropractic care or daily mediation.
*Individual results vary
Recommended reading for Fertility

The Mind-Body Fertility Connection Program & Recordings
To view a Webinar where James talks about the Mind-Body Fertility Connection
please view: http://medigogy.com/archives/mind-body-fertility-connection
The Mind, Body, Fertility Connection by James Schwartz
Hypnotic Childbirth
Hypnosis and childbirth go hand in hand. Hypnotic techniques allow a birthing woman to maintain a calmer and more comfortable pregnancy as well as childbirth by eliminating the “Fear Tension Pain Syndrome” associated with the expectancy of the pain.
Hypnosis helps change the perception of pain as well as decrease stress associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Shifting from feelings of pain to feelings of pressure or tension or power. How your mind understands these sensations has a large impact on how you experience pregnancy, labour and birth.
Hypnosis helps the mind focus on how you want the birth to go. What the mind focuses on it creates. What it thinks about and imagines it builds this belief. Use the power of your mind to create the birth you desire by shifting your focus to your desired childbirth outcomes.
Proper education and knowledge of stages of pregnancy and childbirth play a huge role in how the birth experience goes as well.
Shifting word connotation, or word meaning has a beneficial role in effective hypnotic childbirth. The power of language and words is used frequently in advertising and media. This same technology is used in effective childbirth hypnosis programs such as Hypnobirthing and Hypnobabies
To learn more about hypnosis for childbirth please call 403-33-HYPNO 403-334-9766
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